
Corona deaths, don’t the numbers add up? Numbers chaos! Not so many people died from Corona?

Still, in many cases, one question seems to be causing chaos in the Corona pandemic statistics. Did the patient die from or merely with the coronavirus. According to a recent media report, the official number of casualties from the coronavirus is said to be up to 29 percent higher than is actually the case. This is because many patients were probably infected with corona at the time of their deaths, but may have died from other causes.

“Bild” newspaper reveals: Many Corona deaths probably died with rather than from the virus

The “Bild” newspaper has apparently taken a closer look at the official statistics of the Corona pandemic and now reports a scandalous discovery. Because apparently the number of deaths caused by Covid-19 could be significantly too high. While many of the deceased were reportedly infected at the time of their deaths, other causes may have been responsible for some of the deaths. In any case, the discrepancy in the numbers is quite large, around 30 percent. The discrepancy is apparently particularly large in Saxony-Anhalt, where 1,455 Corona deaths have been reported since December. Of these, 64 percent are said to have actually died because of their Corona disease, according to information in the Bild newspaper. But in 29 percent of the fatalities, other reasons are said to have been decisive for the patients’ deaths. In another 6 percent of the dead, the cause of death was unknown. However, all 1,455 deceased were included in the statistics as “Corona deaths.”

Are Corona deaths not due to Corona at all?

And there seem to be similar cases in other states as well. There, too, deaths fall into the Corona statistics, although other causes could have caused the death of the patients. In Bavaria, for example, 1,832 Corona deaths have been reported since Christmas. Here, the number of actual deaths from corona was 84 percent. But even here, other causes were responsible for death in 11 percent of cases, and in another 5 percent of deaths, the cause of death was said to be unknown. In other federal states, the “Bild” newspaper received information after, for example, in the states of Thuringia and Hamburg, no distinction is made as to whether the patients died from or with Corona. When asked, the Robert Koch Institute could not provide information on how many deaths were due solely to Covid-19. Since the start of the pandemic, a total of 115,337 Germans have died from the coronavirus. However, the Robert Koch Institute states that corona was the actual cause of death for a “large proportion” of these victims.

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