
New infections doubled! Within one week – despite fewer tests! Dramatic development

Deceptively declining holiday numbers have lulled people everywhere – now it seems the sad awakening is upon us! The numbers are skyrocketing everywhere – to the point of doubling in 7-days!

New infections are exploding

In Austria, the number of new Corona infections has almost doubled in a week, despite fewer tests being carried out. Authorities recorded 3283 new infections within a day on Sunday. A week ago, the number was 1717.

What was striking was the high positive rate of PCR tests, which at 1.7 percent was more than three times as high as a week ago at 0.6 percent. At the same time, only about 190,000 PCR tests were registered – last Sunday there were 280,000.

Incidence on the rise


The seven-day incidence rose to 234.6 cases per 100,000 population. 70.8 percent of Austrians are fully vaccinated.

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