
Now Putin brings also his powerful fleet in position! Invasion of Ukraine is getting closer and closer!

After many years of peace, a new war is now looming in Europe. Russia seems to be preparing a new stage of escalation, according to the data of a military analysis. Soon the conflict could degenerate into skirmishes between troops

All signs point to war

Western countries are watching the development of the Ukraine conflict with concern. Now Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has apparently given the order to send Russian forces into the self-proclaimed People’s Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk. This is likely to create massive new tensions and further escalate the spiral of escalation. But it is not only by land that the Russians are planning their attacks. Apparently, the Russian navy also has a large contingent of war equipment ready. The navy could play a decisive role in the occupation of Ukraine. Military experts speak of an “overwhelming contingent” of naval units ready to attack.

Russia begins invasion of Ukraine

Now military experts H. K. Sutton and Damien Symon have analyzed the current situation. Then they published their article in the professional magazine Naval News. This magazine often tracks the movements of international warships. Using accessible satellite data, the identified ship coordinates point to a large-scale attack by Russia on Ukraine. Above all, the numerous support ships for the combat ships on the ground speak a clear language, according to the experts. This is because such support ships are not part of naval maneuvers in normal cases. In the Black Sea, the Russians have now deployed mainly warships that were previously stationed in the Arctic area. In addition, amphibious landing ships and other combat vessels of all types are also on the scene, he said. Most of the Russian warships are currently massing off the southern coast of Ukraine, where they are apparently waiting for an order to deploy.

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