
Putin – Now the West responds! President Biden announces massive consequences – this threatens Russia now!

Putin has shocked the West with his rigorous actions – despite all diplomacy, despite all hope – the catastrophe has occurred! But – now the West responds! President Biden announces massive measures – that threatens the Russians now!

Biden announces massive sanctions

In light of the escalation of Russia’s actions against Ukraine, U.S. President Joe Biden has announced financial sanctions against Moscow. Biden said in a televised address at the White House on Tuesday that the Russian government would be “cut off from Western financing” by comprehensive sanctions on the country’s public debt instruments. Punitive measures would also be imposed on two Russian banks, including the state-owned foreign economic bank VEB, and on “Russian elites.”

Biden called the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who on Monday recognized separatist areas in eastern Ukraine and announced the deployment of Russian troops, “the beginning of a Russian invasion of Ukraine.” “He’s building a case to take more territory by force.” Putin’s speech the previous day made clear that the Russian president wanted to go “much further,” Biden warned.

This is just the beginning!

The punitive measures now announced are therefore only “the first installment of sanctions,” the U.S. president said. “They have been closely coordinated with our allies and partners, and we will escalate sanctions if Russia escalates.”

Biden also announced further arms deliveries to Ukraine and a redeployment of U.S. troops within Europe to the Baltic states. At the same time, the U.S. president stressed that his country and Western allies remain ready for “diplomacy.”

The West, however, is under no illusions. “There is no doubt that Russia is the aggressor,” Biden said. “But there is still time to prevent the worst-case scenario that would bring untold suffering to millions of people.”

Biden also met with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in Washington on Tuesday. The president reiterated U.S. support for “Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity” during the meeting, the White House said.

The European Union had also approved a package of sanctions against Russia on Tuesday. Among other things, it provides for restricted access for Russia to the EU’s capital and financial markets. Meanwhile, the German government put the controversial Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline on hold.

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