Is an infection just as effective as a vaccination? That’s how long you’re in the immune system with both at least!

New study results make you sit up and take notice! Immunity from both vaccines and COVID-19 infection lasts at least as long:

Health Department releases startling new numbers!

Immunity to COVID-19 lasts for at least six months if you get vaccinated or contract the disease. This is according to a scientific report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The brief report uses peer-reviewed and previously published data, as well as data unpublished by the CDC, to compare immunity caused by infection with immunity caused by the vaccine.

mRna vaccines slightly ahead?

According to the agency, “available data show that both fully vaccinated individuals and individuals who have previously contracted COVID-19 have a low risk of re-infection for at least six months.

While there is a “wide range of antibody titers” in response to previous infection, “completion of a primary vaccine series, particularly with mRNA vaccines, typically results in a more consistent and higher-titered initial antibody response,” the agency said in its letter Friday.

The CDC has urged all people to get vaccinated, whether infected or not, because it was unclear how long natural immunity lasts. However, some have argued that people who have recovered from COVID-19 need to be vaccinated less.

No data for children


A separate study released Friday by the CDC, based on more than 7,000 people in nine states and 187 hospitals, found that vaccination is more protective against hospitalization than earlier infection.

In its briefing, the CDC noted that there were insufficient data to extend the findings on infection-related immunity to people with very mild or symptomatic infection or to infected children.

Both types of immunity provided a high level of protection, but not complete protection.

“Considerable immunologic evidence and a growing body of epidemiologic evidence suggest that vaccination after infection significantly increases protection and further reduces the risk of reinfection, which is the basis for CDC’s recommendations,” the agency said.

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