Vaccination shock! Vaccinated spread delta variant just as easily in the household as unvaccinated!

Study: Vaccinated spread delta variant just as easily in household as unvaccinated! People who are vaccinated against COVID-19 can spread delta variant in their households just as easily as unvaccinated people, despite their vaccination status, a new study released Friday shows. So what does this mean for us and the approaching Corona winter?

Scary study on vaccine protection


According to the study published in the journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases, people who contracted COVID-19 had similar viral loads whether they were vaccinated or not. The study also found that 25 percent of vaccinated household contacts contracted COVID-19, while 38 percent of unvaccinated individuals were diagnosed with the disease.
The researchers studied 621 symptomatic participants in the United Kingdom over a one-year period.

Scarcely any transmission protection from vaccination


“Although vaccines remain highly effective in preventing severe illness and death from COVID-19, our results suggest that vaccination is not sufficient to prevent transmission of delta variant in households with prolonged exposure,” the study states. In contrast, the researchers found that vaccination was more effective at curbing transmission of the alpha variant within the household, 40 to 50 percent. “However, our analysis suggests that direct protection of individuals at risk for severe outcomes through vaccination and non-pharmacologic interventions will continue to be central to curbing the burden of disease caused by delta variant,” the researchers write.

Will pills save us now?

The study comes at a time when there has been a nationwide decline in COVID-19 cases in the United States. However, it remains unclear whether this decline will last or whether there could be a resurgence of cases this winter.

Earlier this month, former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb predicted that the “pandemic phase” of COVID-19 will end with the approval of antiviral pills and COVID-19 vaccines for children, and that the U.S. will instead soon move into an “endemic” phase in which Americans learn to live with the virus.

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