Severe virus outbreak at school! More than 250 students sick – it’s not Corona!

Great health problems are currently affecting more than 250 students at an elementary school – another violent viral outbreak, but – it doesn’t appear to be Corona! It is not yet clear exactly what has caused the health problems. Samples have now been taken from most of the children to determine what caused the mass infection!

Sickness wave at primary school – 250 children sickened


At a primary school in Hamburg’s Ottensen district, around 250 pupils have so far reported sick to the school’s management with gastrointestinal complaints. In some cases, teachers and educators were also affected by the illness, he said. In view of the high number of affected pupils, the school had informed the responsible public health department about the case. In addition to the school, the company responsible for the catering is also to be investigated. Many of the affected students have been suffering from nausea, vomiting, fever or diarrhea since Wednesday. As Mike Schlink, spokesman for the Altona district office, explained, they are looking for the cause of the incident. “Samples were taken from some of the children, which are now being examined at the Institute for Hygiene and the Environment.” There is the suspicion that it may be the norovirus.

Food poisoning apparently ruled out


Noroviruses are very contagious and spread quickly in large outbreaks in kindergartens, schools, nursing homes or even hospitals. In most cases, the virus is transmitted through smear infections. Transmission via food is also theoretically conceivable. After first results the experts are sure that in the concrete case it should not be a food poisoning. The food had also been served at other schools, where there had been no problems. Nevertheless, the caterer has been banned from serving food until further notice, as the health department confirmed. The symptoms had appeared in the children in the course of Wednesday. Now all contact surfaces in the school will be disinfected. In addition, samples were also taken in the caterer’s facilities and employees were tested. Until further notice, the sick children and employees are to remain at home until they have been symptom-free for at least 48 hours. Classes will continue to be held for those children who are not ill.

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